Puerperium consulting: needs of women from the nursing perspective – exploratory study


Objectives: The research aimed to understand the health needs of postpartum women in the nurse's perspective, considering the integration of actions. Method: The research was conducted as a Exploratory type. 15 nurses who participated in puerperium consultations in nine health units of the Sanitary District Cajuru the Municipal Health Secretariat from Curitiba / Paraná, Brazil. For the data collection we used an instrument with objective questions, applied in the period from February to March 2007. Data were analyzed based on descriptive statistics. Result: It was found that the set of requirements for good living conditions has been appointed as 41.2%, and least cited: needs guaranteed access to technologies, and 4% bond with the host and the professional / health team, 2%. Discussion: It may wonder about the notion of completeness is being incorporated into puerperal consultations. Conclusion: There are still important gaps in meeting the needs of mothers.

Descriptors: Postpartum Period; women's health; maternal welfare.

Received: 01/19/2011

Approved: 04/11/2012

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