Socio-demographic profiles and qualifications of neonatal nurses in developmental care: a descriptive study
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Neonatal Intensive Care Units
Neonatal Nursery Prematuro
Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales
Enfermería Neonatal Prematuro
Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal
Enfermagem Neonatal

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Aim: To describe the socio-demographic profile and to analyze the qualifications of nurses involved in the developmental care of the newborn in a neonatal unit. Method: This is a census and descriptive study performed in 10 neonatal care units, part of the public health system of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The sample was composed of 111 nurses who work with newborns. Results: 91% are female; the majority (44.1%) are between 30-49 years of age; they work in more than one location (86.4%); 45% finished their studies less than 10 years ago; 42.3% have less than 10 years of professional experience; 73.8% are specialists; 72% are satisfied with their work routine; 78,3% get some information regarding the developmental care of the newborn, the majority of these (37.9%) during their undergraduate and specialization courses; 63% have not been taken part in workshops/training about developmental care, and 44.1% are unaware that their working places have any sort of directives, protocols or routines about developmental care. Conclusion: It is recommended that permanent updates, workshops, and training sessions for nurses regarding developmental care be introduced.
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