Breastfeeding as an evaluative practice in know-how: a descriptive study


Aim: To analyze the axiological dimensions of nurses regarding breastfeeding and their reflections along with the nursing mothers, in the process of knowledge transmission. Method: A descriptive and qualitative study of 11 nurses from the Friendly Breastfeeding Primary Care Initiative of Rio de Janeiro. The data were collected by means of semi-structured interviews between January/March 2010, generating categories articulated with Max Scheler’s Theory of Values. Result: The following categories emerged: the affective bond as a value for successful breastfeeding; and breastfeeding and nutritional value and protection for the child. Discussion: To analyze the evaluative link of the act of breastfeeding between mother and child and the link related to the value of food safety also means thinking about the love and affection that, in the conception of Scheler, are absolutely unique. Conclusion: the valuation of women as individuals is seen through a totally new perspective concerning breastfeeding, as recommended by public policies regarding women’s care.
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