Ieda Cristina Pereira Sanches¹ Ana Lúcia Abrahão²


1,2 Universidade Federal Fluminense, Escola de Enfermagem Aurora de Afonso Costa


This is a project of the Professional Master's thesis in Nursing and aims to analyze the barriers and access to nursing care to patients on mixed surgical ward, with the presence of companions. Despite the guidelines of public health policies to encourage the permanence of family or friends during the patient's hospitalization, the benefits of this practice may or may not be obtained due to structural problems in the hospital and the relationship between the nursing staff and companions. It will be a descriptive and qualitative approach. The ethical aspects shall be respected, according to Resolution 196/96.
Keywords: interpersonal relations, nursing staff, hospitalization and patients' companions.



With the launch of the National Humanization Policy (NHP) it is reinforced the need for social bonding to be encouraged during the hospitalization in order to accelerate the restoration of the patient and his/her rehabilitation. (1) For some kinds of patients, for example, pregnant women, the right to remain an escort has in addition to legal support, acceptance of nursing professional and recognition of the importance of maintaining relational ties during hospitalization. (2) However, as from the practice in public health, I observe that the presence of attendants in the wards can both promote and harm health care, to the extent that the guidelines of health governing organs did not come accompanied by the necessary changes in hospital infrastructure .Therefore the interaction between the nursing staff and companions may be impaired due to structural problems of institutions, beyond the difficulties peculiar to each segment.



1 - Lift through case analyzers situations where the companion undermines health care in mixed surgical ward;

2 - Identify the components responsible for the barriers to health care in the mixed surgery ward in the presence of companions;

3 - Identify the components responsible for building of accessibility to care and attention to users hospitalysed in mixed surgical ward in the presence of companions and;
4 - Building elements for the study of barriers and access in the mixed surgery ward, from the presented experiment.


Does the presence of companions in the ward of mixed surgical clinic interfere in health care? Is it possible the development of tools to aid in the study of the presence of companions in the care to the user in the mixed infirmary?


The study will be descriptive with qualitative approach. The scenario will be the ward of mixed surgical clinic in a general hospital in Niterói. Survey participants will be the nursing staff, users and companions present in the unit. Data will be collected through interviews of the focus group type and analyzed according to the technique of content analysis (CA), in the thematic analysis modality. The results will be interpreted in light of Institutional Analysis (IA)(3). The study was submitted to the Ethics Committee in Research of the hospital respecting the ethical and legal principles related to human research and approved on 01/04/2011.


Bibliographic Reference:

1-Ministério da Saúde. Humaniza SUS Visita aberta e direito ao acompanhante.2ª Ed. Brasília, DF 2007.

2- Soares RKC, Silva SF, Lessa PRA, Moura ERF, Pinheiro PNC, Damasceno AKC. Parturient´s companion and their relationship with the nursing team: a qualitative study. Online Braz J Nurs [serial on the Internet]. 2010, 9(1). Online Braz J Nurs [serial on the Internet]. 2010, 9(2). Retrieved on 2010 25 11, from

3- Lourau R. Analista institucional em tempo integral. São Paulo: Hucitec, 2004.



Dissertation project in the Professional Masters Program in Assistencial Nursing at EEAAC /UFF, approved in 05/12/2010 by the board composed of: Profª Drª Zenith Rosa Silvino, Profª  Drª Selma Petra Chaves Sá and Profª Drª Cristina Lavoyer  Escudeiro.

Approval in the CEP in 01/04/2011 in number 0053.0.258.000-11.

Financial Support for Research: Conselho Regional de Enfermagem - RJ.