Place, date of presentation: Rio Grande, RS, BRAZIL, 1st of March of 2011.


Juliane Portella Ribeiro 1, Mara Regina Santos da Silva 2

1 Nurse. Psychologist. Doctorate student in the Nursing Program at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, RS – BRAZIL. 2 PhD in Nursing. Professor at the Nursing Program at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG, RS – BRAZIL.

EXAMINATORS: Prof. Dr. Mara Regina Santos da Silva (Head of the Board), Prof. Dr. Marta Regina Cezar-Vaz (Member of the Board), Prof. Dr. Adriane Maria Netto de Oliveira (Member of the Board), Prof. Dr. Ceres Braga Arejano (Member of the Board).

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE: RIBEIRO JP. Acesso e resolutividade: satisfação dos usuários de serviços de proteção às vítimas de violência intrafamiliar [Dissertation]. Rio Grande (RS), Brazil: Escola de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; 2011.

PROBLEM: In-family violence against children and adolescents in Brazil has grown gradually in the past years. The increased numbers show to the complexity that involves the problem, demanding from health professionals to intensify family care and to mobilize many governmental and non-governmental instances. The necessity that the phenomenon to be considered an emergency determines that the concrete and immediate actions developed by the service network that attend the families. Wandering to reduce its consequences, the access to social and health services and the resolution of the actions implemented are vital elements to fight the high indices of in-family violence. The access and resolution together correspond to the capacity of the service of offering care coherent with the necessity of its users. Objective: This study has the general objective of analyzing the satisfaction of families related to the access and the capacity of resolution of the actions and services of two victims’ of in-family violence program from the city of Rio Grande, Brazil. The specific objectives are: (1) Analyze the satisfaction of families related to the access to the services that attend in-family violence-related situations of the city of Rio Grande, Brazil; (2) Analyze the satisfaction of families related to the resolution of actions taken in services provided to in-family violence-related situations in the city of Rio Grande, Brazil. Method: It is a qualitative study, descriptive and exploratory, which used some information from the database of a vast research project developed by the Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Família, Enfermagem e Saúde – GEPEFES (Study and Research Group in Family, Nursery and Health), named “Converging and diverging between professional practices and the necessities of families in the context of in-family violence”. The sample was composed by the data found in 113 evaluations executed by families associated with CREAS (Social Service System) and the Children’s  Protection Agency, which were collected through the period of 2008 to 2009, by a questionnaire entailed to evaluate users’ satisfaction with the mental health program (SATIS-BR-Usuário). The data selected were submitted to descriptive analysis of canonic correlation and of multiple regression of the Statistica Version program. The project which this study is part of was submitted to the Ethics and Research Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (CEPAS), being registered and approved by the process number 23116.004268/06-13. Results: The results indicate high correlation between the access and the ability of resolution (RC= 0,8659) and that the families consider the services of easy access when they are, mostly, receptive (0,883837), treat them with respect and dignity (0,858614) and listen to them (0,626720). Being the transmitter of those characteristics, aspects like commuting time or even information about the treatment given are rated of less importance to the user. The ability of resolution is expressed by the decision of the family to return to the service given, in case they have the necessity (0,900171), by their satisfaction with the services provided (0,872823) and the amount of care disposed (0,803617), by the evaluation of the team which was offering the services (0,827258) and that the services helped them to overcome the problems (0,758437); and yet by the comprehension of the team by the person who received the service (0,688417). Furthermore, it became evident that there is an association (R= 0,83), highly significant (p=0,00000), between the degree of satisfaction of the families and four aspects of the ability of resolution of the actions and service, being the one named “satisfaction with the amount of care available” with the highest influence in the satisfaction of the families (beta= 0,314682). Conclusion: The results of the study herein present the satisfaction of the users with the access and the ability of resolution of the general services related to in-family violence, besides they demonstrate that the ability of resolution is related to the access to these services, aspiring the investment in accessibility.

Descriptors: Health service access; Patient satisfaction; In-family violence; Family Health; Nursing.



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Support: Dissertation based on the project “Convergences and divergences between professional practices and the necessities of families within the in-family violence”, financed by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq (Brazilian National Counsel of Scientific and Technological Development).


Mailing Address: Mara Regina Santos da Silva, Escola de Enfermagem, Rua General Osório s/nº, Centro, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. CEP: 96201-900 - - Telephone Number: +55 (53) 3233-0315.