The management of nursing care in the school community: a case study



Carlos Marcelo Balbino1, Zenith Rosa Silvino2

1 Cultura Técnica Institute
2 Fluminense Federal University


Exploratory research with a quantitative approach, processing of data with Epi-Info. Objectives: To identify the demand for care of the school community, plan and implement an area of health care. Method: case study. The scenario was the Technical Institute of Culture of Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, having as subjects students and staff who sought medical care. Results: 486 appointments made due to health complications in 2008. The highest incidences are related to headache, malaise and cramps. The area of health care will be deployed in a space of approximately 110 m2, located on the ground floor of ICT. Conclusion: the participation of nurses in the school environment, as manager of nursing care is essential and can generate positive effects in promoting the health of individuals in the school environment, contributing to an appropriate service, giving its users a careful risk-free to promote their health
Keywords: Nursing; School Health; Health Education



Given the high demand for routine care of the students in the field of Educational Guidance Institute of Technical Culture caused by complications in the health of students, it was realized the need to implement an appropriate place for careand conducting health(1) education, with the purpose to preserve people's privacy, avoiding the excessive exposure and embarrassment of the students.  As the sector of educational guidance is a place of high traffic of people and a variety of cases and with very diverse problems, sometimes causing embarrassment to the individuals being served at that time(2).



To identify the demand of care for the school community, plan and implement in the area of health care.



Exploratory research with a quantitative approach. Used as an instrument of data collection a concentrated form that all data for care provided by nurses to the school community, considering the following variables: age, gender, course, type of health complication, in 2008 and processing of the data through the Epi-Info version 3.32. The scene was in the Office of the Instituto de Cultura Técnica (ICT) in Volta Redonda, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and the subjects were the students, staff and users seeking health care in ICT that had their visit registered. Research was approved by the Committee of  Ethics in Research of the Faculdade Sul Fluminense (FASF) under the provision no. PP006/2009.



The data were groupped and presented, given the research objectives, in: I. Context of the site for the research, II. Profile of the demand of the school community service, III. Profile for complications of care from the school community, and IV. The location of planning in health care, as identified by their need. The population of the ICT in 2008 was 3064 enrolled students, 380 employees with 21 courses of primary, secondary and higher education. 486 calls were made due to health(3) complications where 470 were related to students. The reasons for the calls were diverse, yet the highest incidence was headache with 131 cases and nausea with 110 cases, where cramps, stomach pain, sore throat, abdominal pain, and feeling notious were minimal. The area of health care will be allocated in a site of approximately 110 m2 situated on the ground floor of ICT. A survey of material resources: disposable materials, equipment, furniture, financial and human.



A study was conducted in order to know the health problems presented by the school community and it enables the development of effective strategies to be aggregated to the management of care by nurses, for the diagnosis of problems which is the first step to a systematic care. Taking up this diagnosis, the systematization of this care will be far within health care to be implemented, which will enable a holistic nursing care and comprehensive sense of favoring the ICT as school that promotes health care. We conclude that the participation of nurses in the school environment, as manager of nursing care is essential and can generate positive effects in promoting the health of individuals who use the school environment, because mentoring and monitoring is needed, therefore, these guidelines could reduce the incidence of health complications in the school community and contribute to an appropriate service, providing users of an area of health care in ICT deployed in a risk-free care to promote their well being.




1. Beserra E.Alves M. Rigotto M. Adolescents' perception on environmental health: research-action in school space Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing[ serial on the Internet ]. 2010 March 11; [ Cited 2011 May 5 ] 9(1). Available from:

2. Brasil. Decreto n.º 6.286, de 27 de dezembro de 2007. Institui o Programa Saúde na Escola - PSE, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União 06 dez 2007.

3. Santos DO. Uma experiência de educação em saúde no contexto da educação integral: Saúde Escolar nos CIEPs do Rio de Janeiro [ tesis ]. Rio de Janeiro:UFRJ; 2005



Advisor: Zenith Rosa Silvino. RN. PhD. Teacher at Professional and Academic Master Degree in Nursing School of Fluminense Federal University. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bibliografic reference: Balbino CM. The management of nursing care in the implementation of health care in the school community.  [Dissertation]. Niteroi (RJ), Brazil: Nursing School Aurora de Afonso Costa, Federal Fluminense University; 2010.

Address for correspondence: Rua Gustavo Lira número 275 apartamento 201 – São João – Volta Redonda - RJ – CEP: 27253-280. E-mail:

Date of examination: june 30, 2010. Nursing School Aurora de Afonso Costa, Federal Fluminense University. Examiners: Zenith Rosa Silvino, Marluci A. Conceição Stipp, Bárbara Pompeu Christovam, Marléa Chagas Moreira, Simone Cruz Machado Ferreira.
