The competencies of the nurse for the reconstruction of the teaching-learning process: an exploratory-descriptive study



Claudio José de Souza1, Geilsa Soraia Cavalcanti Valente1
1Fluminense Federal University



Aims: To describe the (re) construction of the teaching-learning process on the part of professors of nursing; to discuss and analyze their competencies to provide effective teaching to nursing students based on their methodological teaching strategies.
Method: this is an exploratory-descriptive study using a qualitative approach that has been carried out at a private university located in the west zone of Rio de Janeiro city. Participants include professors of nursing who teach disciplines/subjects that involve theory and practice. Data will be collected throughout the second semester of 2013 using semi-structured interviews and analyzed using the content analysis method.
Descriptors: Education, Nursing; Competency-Based Education; Nursing Faculty Practice.




This study deals with issues related to an ongoing transition process within the Brazilian higher education system, and calls attention to the urgent need for change in current  teaching practices. According to Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDB), the law that regulates education in Brazil, and the National Curricular Guidelines, nursing graduation courses must provide students with specialized knowledge and competencies they will need in order to provide an adequate nursing care service. So, it becomes important to discuss the methodological teaching strategies currently adopted by professors of nursing. This study is based on Paulo Freire’s theory about the reconstruction of education and on Philippe Perrenoud’s theory about teaching competencies(1).

Competency is defined as “The ability to deal effectively with a problem using technical knowledge without being limited by it”(2:7). Furthermore, it seems correct to say that the teaching-learning process involves various competencies that must be incorporated and developed by professors of nursing so as to prepare their students for contemporary healthcare practice. Since each class is unique, every professor, whether consciously or subconsciously, must reflect upon their own teaching practice. They must also have the ability to develop theories and put them into practice, to identify the roots of a problem and solve it so as to ensure the continuity of logical thinking. No professor can foresee all the problems that may occur in a classroom and that is why they must always be prepared to adjust their teaching practice to provide effective teaching, a requirement that may cause them a great deal of stress. Summing up, in order to be effective, the ideal teaching practice has to be based on solid academic knowledge and at the same time rooted in personal experience(3).



What are the competencies that a professor of nursing must develop in order to promote the (re) construction of the teaching-learning process?



To describe the (re) construction of the teaching-learning process on the part of the professors of nursing; and to discuss and analyze their competencies to promote an effective teaching-learning process, based on their methodological teaching strategies.



This is a descriptive exploratory study using a qualitative approach, which makes it possible to describe the situations experienced by the participants.

In addition, this study is defined as exploratory because it collects data through interviews which gives access to the participants’ personal experiences. Lastly, it is a descriptive study because it uses semi-structured interviews composed of closed and open questions which enable the participants to talk about the subject freely without having to be limited by pre-established answers.

The study setting will be a private university located in the west zone of Rio de Janeiro city. Inclusion criteria: professors of nursing who teach disciplines/subjects that involve theory and practice and also have been working at the institution for more than one year. Exclusion criteria: professors who are either on temporary leave or are not interested in participating in the study. Data collection will be carried out throughout the second semester of 2013 after the participants agree to sign a Consent Form. This study has been approved by the Director of the aforementioned private educational institution who has also permitted the inclusion of the institution’s name in the final report. After data collection, the information will be transcribed and divided into categories using the Content Analysis method.



1.Saraiva RJ, Rosas AMMTF, Rodrigues BMD, Domingos AM, Cardoso MMVN, Valente GSC. Intentional action of nursing education of consultation: phenomenological study. Online braz j nurs [ Internet ]. 2012 Apr [ Cited 2013 Aug 10 ] 11 (1):157-66. Available from:

2.Freire P. Pedagogia da Autonomia: Saberes Necessários à Prática Educativa. 36. ed. São Paulo: Paz e Terra; 2007.

3.Koloroutis M. Cuidado Baseado no Relacionamento: Um modelo para Transformação da Prática. São Paulo: Atheneu; 2012.



RESEARCH’S DETAILS: Dissertation Project of the Healthcare Science Master’s Program (MACCS/UFF). This project has been approved by the IRB of UFF’s Medical School, under n° : 330.142/13.
RESEARCHER’S MENTOR: Prof. PhD Geilsa Soraia Cavalcanti Valente.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).



Received: 31/07/2013
Revised: 11/08/2013
Approved: 12/08/2013