Nursing care in the immediate postoperative period: a cross-sectional study
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Care. Enfermeros
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Problem: Nursing care requires attention and systematized care in the immediate postoperative period in order to prevent complications. Aim: To characterize the care provided to patients in the immediate postoperative period; to identify the care offered by nurses to patients and correlate the difficulties of nurses in terms of the use of nursing care systematization. Method: This was a cross-sectional study that used a quantitative approach, conducted between May and June 2013 in an Emergency Hospital in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. The sample consisted of 13 nurses working in the post-anaesthetic recovery room. Result: There was a predominance of care directed to the respiratory and cardiovascular system. There was an association between the large number of patients and the non-use of nursing care systematization. Conclusion: Care is not fully offered and nurses have difficulties in using nursing care systematization.
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