Perception of people suffering from diabetes regarding the disease and the reasons for hospital readmission: a descriptive study
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Family participation in the disease
Encephalic vascular accident
Nursing. Familia
Participación familiar en la enfermedad
Hipertensión Arterial
Accidente Vascular Encefálico
Enfermería. Família
Participação familiar em adoecimento
Hipertensão Arterial
Acidente Vascular Encefálico

PlumX Metrics


Aim: To identify how people suffering from diabetes, rehospitalized due to uncontrolled glucose, perceived the disease, and the reasons that led to hospitalization. Method: This is a descriptive study of a qualitative nature, performed with seven people suffering from diabetes who were hospitalized at least twice within a 12-months period. Data were collected in 2010 through semi-structured interviews and were submitted to thematic content analysis. Results: The following categories have emerged: Experiencing the disease: 'we cannot do anything'; recognizing the possibility of complications: 'We can lose organs, lose everything..." and; the causes of hospitalization: 'When I realized, I was already in a bad condition'. Discussion: The complexity, limitations and feelings that permeate living with the disease; the deficiency of knowledge regarding it; denouncing the failure of the health services. Conclusions: Health professionals need to change their approach to people suffering from diabetes, making them capable of encouraging more effective self-care for controlling the disease.
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