Terms of nursing: human responses of children hospitalized with heart disease – a cross-sectional study
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Registros de Enfermagem
Cardiopatias Congênitas
Criança Nursing Records
Heart Defects
Child Registros de Enfermería
Cardiopatías Congénitas

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Aim: To describe the clinical characteristics from the terms found in the nursing and medical records of children hospitalized with congenital heart disease. Method: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a public hospital. The data from 82 records were analyzed by two expert pediatric cardiology nurses. There was consensus and agreement after individual analysis of the 100 records. Results: The records were of nurslings (91.5%), mostly male (54.9%). The most common terms were “cyanotic” (80.5%) and “respiratory effort” (79.3%). Discussion: The terms used were related to changes in the supply of oxygen and blood flow, suggesting that the cardiocirculatory pathophysiological aspects guide the nursing needs and planning care. Conclusion: The records highlight the color of the skin, the respiratory pattern and hemodynamic aspect as the central points of nursing care with regard to this group of patients.

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