This article is the result of a master's dissertation in June 2011 in Anna Nery School Enfemragem - UFRJ. Purpose of the study.Understanding the meaning of intentional action of the teaching of nursing consultation to the older adult by teaching nurses who work with undergraduates and graduate students of Nursing. Method: This qualitative, phenomenological approach. Subjects, twelve nurses who work with the teaching of the query.Scenario, two institutions Hospitals School, working with the teaching of nursing consultation to adult to senior undergraduates and graduate students of Nursing.Approval of the Ethics and Research Committee, protocol no. 093/2010. As a result of the seizure of "reason-why" generating its context: the failure to identify the teaching of nursing consultation in the older adult undergraduate program, the demand for professional training of nurses to teach undergraduate and graduate students to assist the needs of current and future demands. Conclusion: it was shown that nurses do today is directly related to their training, as some reported not to have been adequately prepared to deal with the Nursing Consultation to the older adult.
Received: 08/02/2011
Approved: 04/13/2012
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