Sociodemographic profiles and violent events experienced by the elderly: a descriptive study
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Perfil del Anciano
Situaciones de Violencia
Abuso Contra Ancianos Elder Profile
Violence Outbursts
Abuce Against Elders Perfil do Idoso
Situações de Violência
Abuso Contra Idosos

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Aim: to present the sociodemographic profile, and to identify the violent events of various types (physical, psychologic, sexual, abandonment, negligence, financial abuse, and self-negligence) in elderly people residing in the Metropolitan Area of Brasília, Brazil. Method: This is a transversal and descriptive study, in which the elderly were actively asked if they had already suffered any sort of violence. Results: The sample consisted of one hundred and thirty one elderly people, with an average of 70 years. 68% were women, 41% were married, 41% were mullatos, 50% were illiterate, 90% lived with other relatives, and 52% had an income of up to 3 minimum wages. With regard to the types of violence experienced, 72% reported such unpleasant experiences after they were 60 years of ge, being the psychological violence being the most frequently mentioned (34%). Conclusion: The profile of the elderly people who suffer the most is that of a young senior, female, who lives with a relative (especially the spouse or children), with low level of education and income, and that had experienced other psychological violence outbursts after the age of 60.
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