Meanings of the reports of violence against women: a descriptive study
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Women's Health
Health professionals. Subnotificación
Salud de la Mujer
Profesionales de la Salud. Subnotificação
Saúde da Mulher
Profissionais de Saúde.

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Aim: To identify the meanings attributed by health professionals to the reports of violence against women and their practice regarding this matter in a city in the state of Bahia. Methods: A qualitative and descriptive study, carried out through interviews with seven professional representatives of municipal health services. The data were organized according to Bardin's Content Analysis. Results: The professionals see the report of violence as a mandatory procedure which gives visibility to the offence and helps in finding actions for solving the problem. However, this has not been common practice in the city. Discussion: It is important to think of strategies that make changes in this scenario, encouraging the practice of reporting. Conclusion: It is essential to rethink the training of professionals, regarding the inclusion of this subject in their undergraduate education health programmes and into their training in service.
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