Social factors that influence breastfeeding in preterm infants: a descriptive study
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Enfermagem Transcultural
Aleitamento Materno Health Sciences
Transcultural Nursing
Breast Feeding. Ciencias de la Salud
Enfermería Transcultural
Lactancia Materna.

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Objective: To describe the social dimensions that enhance and / or interfere with breastfeeding. Method: Descriptive study with qualitative approach, with the participation of 30 mothers and performed in the outpatient segment of newborns discharged from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a Municipal Maternity in Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected from a semi-structured questionnaire in the period from July to August 2008, after approval of the CEP SMS / RJ, Protocol No. 89/08, with 30 mothers and analyzed according to the Theory of Cultural Care of Madeleine Leininger . Results: we identified four categories: technological influences on breastfeeding; family and social support in breastfeeding; influences of culture and previous family experiences in the lactation and and biological aspects in breastfeeding. Conclusion: The factors are intertwined and are together influencing within the social structure of women in the breastfeeding process.

Descriptors: Transcultural Nursing; Preterm; Breast Feeding.

Received: 08/02/2011

Approved: 03/15/2012
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