Blood Pressure Elevation in Patients Assisted in an Emergency Unit: cross-sectional study


Aims: To characterize hypertensive patients seen in an emergency unit for high blood pressure and to identify factors associated with the occurrence of moderate or severe hypertension. Method: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted with 80 individuals. Data were collected in November 2013 by means of interviews with the application of a semi-structured questionnaire. Results: The following results were associated with moderate or severe hypertension: failure to attend the hypertensive group activities, alcohol consumption, lack of leisure activities and excessive salt consumption. Discussion: When nurses are able to recognize the factors that can influence uncontrolled blood pressure, they can more effectively stimulate the systematic outpatient care for hypertensive patients and the change in these patients’ lifestyle. Conclusion: Life habits associated with moderate or severe hypertension are modifiable according to the implementation of health education for professionals and self-care understanding by the users considered hypertensive.
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