Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of tissular lesions
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Hyperbaric Oxygenation
Wound. Oxigenação Hiperbárica
Feridas. Oxigenação Hiperbárica

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This work addresses the therapy with hyperbaric oxygen, considering the importance of the nurses accompanying the technological advancements in the area of health. It has as aim to describe the use of the hyperbaric oxygenation, including as acceleration therapy of the cicatrisation process of tissular lesions (wounds), which is the area of working of the researchers. The methodology used was a revision of the bibliography on the theme; the research was performed in books, publications and electronic documents, comprising the period from 1999 through 2003; complemented by visits to two private institutions in Rio de Janeiro city that possess different models of hyperbaric chamber, and whose aim was to know the equipment and the service. In the results it is described the therapeutic indications, the benefits, as well as the cares and contraindications. Alerting on the importance of the multi-professional assistance, with comprehensive evaluation of the general conditions of the patient with tissular wound, with emphasis to the importance of the nurse’s work with this patients.

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