Measurement of venous ulcers by means of software: assessment of test reproducibility
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Úlcera venosa
Mensuração de feridas
Verificação de software
Feridas. Venous ulcer
Measurement of wounds
Software verification
Wounds. Úlcera venosa
Medición de heridas
Verificación de software

PlumX Metrics


Aim: To compare the measurement of the area of venous ulcers through AutoCAD® and Image Tool software. Method: This is a survey to assess the reproducibility of tests which used a quantitative approach. In the (judgment) sample, all patients with venous ulcers met in the data collection period (March-July 2015) will be included; patients under the age of 18 years, those with diminished cognitive ability or impaired verbal communication who are unaccompanied and those with ulcers that extend across more than one side of the leg, will be excluded. Data collection will be accomplished through photography and the filling in of forms. Expected results: This study intends to propose, together with the Group of Hospital Skin Injury Studies, the deployment and implementation of the evaluation method and the measurement of wounds. Implications for Health: to deepen and disseminate the theme, so that professionals begin using objective methods for measurement.
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