The child experiencing the disclosure of the HIV/Aids condition: a interpretative study
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Child Health
Adolescent Health
Disclosure of diagnosis
Chronic disease. Revelação do diagnóstico
Síndrome da Imunodeficiência adquirida
Vírus da Imunodeficiência adquirida
Cuidados de Enfermagem.

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im: to understand the experience of the process of disclosure of HIV/aids diagnosis in childhood. Method: we used a methodological referential theory based on data (PDT) and symbolic interactionism, with regard to research carried out between June and December 2012. The subjects were thirteen children and/or teenagers who were told about the diagnosis of HIV/aids. Results: Showed the perception of the children about a chronic disease condition, discovering by himself/herself, or about any health condition. Conclusion: the revelation of HIV/aids is a unique, dynamic and interactive process. However there isn’t an ideal moment even when children indicate that this interaction should happen in childhood and/or at the time of their doubts and questions
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