The (in)visibility of adolescents in primary care in the perception of health professionals
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Adolescent health;
Family Health Strategy;
Health promotion;
Nursing. Saúde do adolescente
Estratégia Saúde da Família
Promoção da Saúde
Enfermagem. Salud del adolescente;
Estrategia Salud de la Familia;
Promoción de la Salud;

PlumX Metrics


Objective: To identify the perception of Primary Care nurses about their role in the development of health actions for adolescents. Method: A qualitative and descriptive research study, carried out in 30 Basic Health Units in a municipality of southern Brazil, with nurses, who responded to the interview. Thematic analysis was carried out, resulting in three categories. Results: The nurses' knowledge about the national guidelines for comprehensive adolescent health care is limited. In general, actions aimed at the promotion of adolescent health are overlooked by the nurses. Conclusion: The difficulty of approximation between nurses and adolescents in Primary Care opposes the need for bonds between them. The development of more effective health promotion strategies raises the need for professional training and structural conditions, which allow the professional to look back at this notoriously vulnerable population.
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