Interpersonal relationships in the surgical unit from the perspective of nursing workers: an exploratory study


Objective:  to  identify  how  nursing  workers  perceive  interpersonal relationships established within the multiprofessional team working in a surgical center. method:  qualitative,  descriptive  and  exploratory  study  conducted  in the  surgical  center of  a  large  university  hospital  located  in  recife,  pernambuco,  brazil. twenty-five  nursing workers  participated in the  study  through  semi-structured  interviews.  content  thematic analysis was used to treat the data. results: three thematic categories emerged, namely: conception  of  interpersonal  relationships;  factors  that  negatively  impact  interpersonal relationships;  and  attitudes  and  practices  that  strengthen  interpersonal  relationships. conclusion:  reflecting  upon  the  interpersonal  relationships  established  among  the workers  in  the  surgical  center  can  provide  tools  for  managers  to  establish  coping strategies and ensure a harmonious work environment to favor integral, humanized and safe care for patients in critical conditions.
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