Cardiovascular risk in ambulatorial clientele – a quantitative study
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This quantitative study presents the partial analysis of the results of the project entitled “The nursing care in the promotion of cardiovascular health: prevention and risk factor control”. The study has two objectives: to identify the risk factors related to hypertension and diabetes mellitus of a clientele assisted at the School Hospital of Rio de Janeiro and to discuss nursing care management given to the clientele above. The instrument used for data collection is a questionnaire currently applied to 73 people containing questions about their risk profile for cardiovascular diseases. As regards the results, it has been observed that the greatest majority is composed by women (84,93%) at productive age whose age range varies between 41 to 60 years of age, elementary schooling level (52,05%), family revenue of 1 - 3 minimum salaries average (60,27%), absence of regular of physical exercise (61,64%), complaints of stress (55,68%), family cardiovascular risk (69%). Ambulatorial assistance is characterized by health educational activities and nursing consultation. It is expected to establish guiding principles for basic actions in the management of nursing care especially in relation to the clientele life style and the adoption of new practices for their ambulatorial monitoring. Nursing consultation is one of the ways of helping the ambulatorial clientele in the identification of cardiovascular risk factors, what implies in planning activities, coordination, direction and risk factor control in the assistance of ambulatorial nursing not only in the individual aspect but also in collective health.
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