Scientific production of nursing about insertion of intravenous catheter arteriovenous fistulae: implications for nurse of substitutive renal therapy
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Nursing Process
Nursing Care. Taxonomia de Enfermagem
Cuidado de Enfermagem. Processos de Enfermagem
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The present study tells a bibliographical revision about the nursing intervention of intravenous catheter insertion at arteriovenous fistulae(AVF), with the objective of knowing the literature regarding the subject. It was used in that study the exploratory research, with bibliographical risings through manual and computerized search, from 1979 to 2001. The nursing prescriptions related to the insert of intravenous catheter in AVF include the preoperative orientations, the technique of insert of the intravenous catheter and the selfcare orientations. At the end of the bibliographical rising, it was noticed that, in spite of the insert of intravenous catheter in AVF to be so important and routine in practice of the nephrology nursing, the production scientific nursing Brazilian is scarce regarding that prescription, unlike the foreign scientific production.
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