Vol. 6 No. 2 (2007)

Invited Editorial

Margareth Santos Zanchetta
More responsibilities to OBJN´s people...

Original Articles

Jenifer Adriana Domingues Guedes, Miriam Süsskind Borenstein, Betina Hörner Shlindwein Meirelles
Coping of Nursing Professionals who take care of people with Aids – an Educative-Reflective Practice
Isaquiel Macedo da Rosa, Maria Elsabeth Cestari
The relationship with learning of nurses and nursing students
Ana Kelve Castro Damasceno, Paulo César de Almeida, Maria Grasiela Teixeira Barroso
Pain in children with burns – epidemiology study
Adriana Cristina Oliveira, Bruno Horta, Glaucia Helena Martinho, Lorena Villa Dantas, Maíra Marques Ribeiro
Nosocomial infections and bacterial resistance in patients from a Teaching Hospital Intensive Care Unit
Eva Neri Rubim Pedro, Daisy Zanchi de Abreu Botene, Maria da Graça Corso da Motta, Nair Regina Ritter Ribeiro, Ana Amélia Antunes Lima
The development of the adolescent mother and her baby ’s attachment
Sonia Mara Faria Simões, Deborah Valadão de Jesus, Juliana Siqueira Boechat
Childbirth and birth assistance: a quantitative study
Rebeca Nunes Guedes, Ana Tereza Medeiros Cavalcanti da Silva, Edméia de Almeida Cardoso Coelho
Woman life and health: arguing the problems of the reality with professionals of the care
João FFL Simões, Eugênio Santana Franco, Mônica Oliveira B Oriá
Basic human needs achievement by nursing undergraduate students basic human needs achievement by nursing undergraduate students
Ana Luiza Muccillo-Baisch, Daniela Brum da Silva, Andressa de Andrade, Daniela Carrazzoni, Marta Regina Cezar Vaz, Gianni Goulart Peraza, Eliana Badiale Furlong, Maria Cristina Flores Soares
Effects of aqueous extract from Stephanolepis hispidus on blood pressure in the normal and in L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats
Ana Paula Martins Nunes, Arlete Silva
Quality of life of the worker-students enrolled in the Middle Level Technical School for Professional Qualification in Nursing.
Joselany Áfio Caetano, Marta Maria Coelho Damasceno, Enedina Soares, Ana Virgínia Melo Fialho
Rehabilitation process experience after a cerebral vascular accident: a qualitative study

Review Articles

Jenifer Adriana Domingues Guedes, Pedro Miguel Garcez Sardo, Miriam Süsskind Borenstein
Nursing in hospice care – reflection
Milena Butolo Vido, Rosa Aurea Quintella Fernandes
Quality of life: considerations about concept and instruments of measure.
Michelle Araújo Moreira, Regina Lúcia Mendonça Lopes
Research groups in Brazil: the woman health from the breastfeeding subject
Michelle Araújo Moreira, Regina Lúcia Mendonça Lopes
Breastfeeding: historical aspects of the brazilian public politics
Maria Itayra Coelho de Souza Padilha, Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da Silva, Maria Seloi Coelho
Theoretical-methodological aspects of social representations and their use in nursing

Analysis and Comments

Giselda Quintana Marques, Sandra Maria Cezar Leal, Maria Alice Dias da Silva Lima, Ana Lúcia de Lourenzi Bonilha, Marta Júlia Marques Lopes
Practices and daily routine of professionals in health public services under the light of academic studies
Rosangela Maria Fenili, Marlene Gomes Terra, Jonas Salomão Spricigo, Lúcia Hisako Takase Gonçalves
Reflection and interaction: a new perspective to the teaching of nursing by means of living learning
Lucimeire Santos Carvalho, Climene Laura de Camargo, Cátia Andrade Silva, Ana Carla Petersen de Oliveira Santos
Use of symbolic interactionism in the research of nursing pediatric
Marcos Antônio Gomes Brandão, Mauricio Abreu Pinto Peixoto, Viviane Modesto Ferraz
The proposition of the concept of Nursing virtual community – a review study
Maria de Lourdes de Souza, Marta Lenise do Prado, Marisa Monticelli, Vera Radünz, Telma Elisa Carraro
Being human with yourself and the others in nursing: an essay
Francisca Georgina Macêdo de Sousa, Marlene Gomes Terra, Kenya Schmidt Reibnitz, Vania Marli Schubert Backes
Health education, nurses and creativity: the necessary interconnection to the educative process
Evelise Ribeiro Gonçalves, Gelson Luiz de Albuquerque, Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann, Flavia Souza Ramos, Felipa Rafaela Amadigi
Reflections on equality, justice and allocation of resources in health: The bioethical point of view to the inequitable society's dilemmas