Homosexual adolescents and their relations with relatives: a phenomenological study
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Relação Familiar
Pesquisa Qualitativa
Relações Interpessoais
Enfermagem Adolescente
Relaciones Familiares
Investigación Cualitativas
Relaciones Interpersonales
Enfermería Adolescent
Family Relations
Qualitative Research
Interpersonal Relations

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Aim: to understand the experience of homosexual adolescents in relation to their relatives. Method: research based on the social phenomenology of Alfred Schütz. The interview with open questions was used to obtain testimony from 12 homosexual adolescents. The data were organized and analyzed in thematic categories, according to the theoretical-methodological framework. Result: the following categories emerged from the testimonies: "Discovering homosexuality by relatives"; "Conflicting family relationship" and, "Being respected and maintaining family ties". Discussion: the conflicts experienced by homosexual adolescents in the family environment interfere with the way they express homosexuality in social spaces. Although they experience rejection, prejudice, coercion of freedom, among others, these adolescents expect to be respected in their sexual orientation, maintaining relationships with their relatives. Conclusion: the results of this study provide reflections aimed at the inclusion of homosexual adolescents in social settings, considering respect for affective-sexual diversity.
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