Problem: The spontaneous abortion is a frustrating event in the lives of many women, especially for those who had a planned pregnancy. Objective: To understand the experience of women in situations of spontaneous abortion, in the context of assistance of both the public and private health services, and the experience of nurses regarding the provided care. Methods: This was a qualitative study, based on the social phenomenology of Alfred Schutz, and performed in 2009 by means of open interviews involving thirteen (13) women and seven (7) nurses. Results: The abortion is experienced as something unexpected, a difficult time, permeated by sadness and pain related to the loss and the impossibility of following the pregnancy. The women expressed a desire to receive support, care and information and evaluated the care received as satisfactory, however differentiated in the services that provide assistance through a health plan. Nurses initially seek to obtain information about abortions, health conditions and the care necessities and from then on, provide guidance and support to the women so that they can overcome this moment. Conclusion: The women recognize that this moment in their life is a condition that requires attention, support and guidance from the professionals. The importance of the nurse’s performance stands out with regard to the planning and carrying out of actions in line with the principles of comprehensive care.
Descriptors: Abortion; Nursing; Qualitative Research.
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