Neonatal nursing care of the infant with congenital heart disease: an integrative review


Aim: to search for available evidence in the literature about nursing care  for  newborns  with  congenital  heart  disease  in  neonatal  units. Method:  An integrative review of the literature performed between July and August 2015, based on research in LILACS, PubMed and CINAHL databases. Result: Nine articles were identified according to established criteria. The information was analyzed and synthesized in three thematic categories: Detecting congenital heart disease; Providing care for the neonate in  the  intensive  care  unit;  Family  and  the  care  measures  to  the  newborn.  Discussion: Neonatal  screening  for  critical  heart  defects  by  pulse  oximetry  and  nursing  care  at bedside  surgeries  were  the  main  health  care  measures  of  nurses  for  infants  with neonatal heart disease. Conclusion: There is a need for more professional involvement in the  provision  of  care  for  these  children  in  order  to  provide  evidence-based  clinical practice,  and  there  are  gaps  in  nurses'  knowledge  production  that  demonstrate  this reality.
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