This is a study of quantitative approach, of a descriptive nature, to be developed in the coronary unit of a College hospital placed in the city of Niterói, Brazil. It will be used both the Theory of Basic Human Needs and the International Classification for Nursing Practice – ICNP. As a general goal, we expect: (1) to elaborate an ICNP catalogue for hospitalized patients with diagnosed heart failure. Other specific goals comprehend: (1) to raise the phenomenon of nursing practices placed on the medical records of the patients with heart failure during their period of hospitalization, (2) to elaborate, based on the nursing diagnoses, declarations of the results generated. The ethical aspects will be preserved according to the Resolution 196/96.
Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (BR). Resolução n° 358/2009 [site] 2011; [Ip.]. [citado 01 mai 2011]. Disponível em: http://site.portalcofen.gov.br/node/4384
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Quilici AP, et al. Enfermagem em Cardiologia. São Paulo: Editora Atheneu, 2009.