Perceptions of adults with spinal cord injury on the skills for daily activities and health indicators in the light of noc: descriptive research
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Health Sciences
Public Health Nursing
Disabled Persons
Activities of Daily Living
Nursing Ciencias de la salud
Enfermería de Salud Pública
Personas con Deficiencia
Actividades Cotidianas Enfermagem
Pessoas com Deficiência
Atividades Cotidianas.

PlumX Metrics


Objective: Verify the perception of adults with spinal cord injury (SCI) on their skills for daily activities and pair data with health indicators in the light of NOC. Method: Cross-sectional study, census and quantitative, conducted in 2008 in UBSF's Campina Grande-PB. 47 people have taken part as sample, who answered a form with indicators domain of the Functional Health of NOC and an Questionnaire A, composed by questions about abilities to perform daily activities. It was performed a pairing between the instruments and used the SPSS to analyze data. Results: Cronbach Alpha was 0.752. The items that showed more commitment were: Management of money (80.8%), sexual performance (74%), Leisure (68%), Labor (55%) and ambulation (45%) - p < 0.001. Conclusion: There is impairment on the participants' skills for daily activities. Nurses can help them develop actions of health education and research that contribute to improving public policies for those people.
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