AIDS has always been surrounded by taboos, prejudice and discrimination. Fact influenced by its history and its social construction. Objective: To analyze the influence of factors: discrimination, prejudice and feminization of HIV in important social aspects of the individual. Method: We conducted a historical overview of HIV, followed by a reflexive analysis of researches that dealt with the social behavior of a virus carrier, and society, as these factors interfere with their social lives. Discussion: It was observed that the company maintains an exclusionary behavior of carriers of HIV, which determines a behavior of self-exclusion of these individuals. Conclusion: Since a stigma is a socially constructed attribute, it is necessary to intensify the debate on the subject, seeking to deconstruct the old image of the bearer of HIV, and contribute to the rise of people carrying HIV who are integrated in society, participating in social relations.
Descriptors: Hiv; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Feminization; Prejudice; Health Education.
Received: 08/03/2011
Approved: 01/24/2012
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