This study aims to understand the meaning that family members attribute to the fact of having a relative being treated in a Child Psychosocial Care Center. This is a qualitative piece of research utilizing the theoretical and methodological framework of the phenomenological sociology of Alfred Schutz. The field of study was a Child Psychosocial Care Center in Cascavel, state of Paraná. Data collection took place between October and November 2010, through phenomenological interviews with 11 relatives of users of that service. In a comprehensive analysis of the testimonies, aspects have emerged about the difficulty of dealing with the disease, the prejudice and lack of knowledge with regard to the symptoms of mental illness. This study allows us to understand the meaning given by relatives to the fact of having a family member assisted in a substitutive service in mental health and even further, we point to the need for support on the part of the family with regard to the work of the multidisciplinary team.
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