Validation of information booklet about the elderly with dementia: an observational-transversal study


Aim: to validate an information Educational Technology (ET) booklet about the care of the elderly with dementia. Method: This is an observational study using a transversal approach, where the selected study environment is a College education institution in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The research focused on caregivers and relatives. The data collection period was from April to June 2012. Results and Discussion: The analysis of the evaluators decided that the validation of the booklet was satisfactory, as the majority of the answers demonstrated adequate results without any important variation. Based on the parameter of evaluation and its evaluation items, the booklet meets many of the proposed goals, therefore achieving the proposed final objective. Conclusion: The validated booklet can contribute to the care of people with dementia, thereby preventing complications. It also helps to develop the abilities of users and facilitates the autonomy and motivation of the nursing team in terms of creating new educational technology instruments
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