Opinion of mothers of hospitalized babies about nursing interventions: a descriptive study


Aim: To investigate which nursing interventions were recognized by the mothers of hospitalized babies as supporting the maternal role. Method: This is a transversal study of the activities present in the Nursing Interventions Classification, performed in a public college hospital. Through interviews and the application of questionnaires, the mothers evaluated a total of 14 nursing activities related to the nursing diagnosis “Parental role conflict”. Results: From the 32 women included in this research, 23 mentioned the challenges associated with performing the maternal role. In a total of 14 activities, 11 were identified as facilitators to the maternal role. Discussion: The mothers recognized the proposed nursing interventions as beneficial to them and to the performance of the maternal role. Conclusion: The proposed caring activities in the referred classification should be formally implemented in neonatal care. Their impact on mothers ought to be studied, given that investigations in this area are still scarce.

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