Partner's participation in family planning from a feminine perspective: a descriptive study
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Participation of the Partner
Care to the couple
Family care Participación del compañero
Cuidado a la pareja
Cuidado a la familia Participação do companheiro
Cuidado ao casal
Cuidado à família

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Aim: to describe how women perceive their partner's participation in family planning. Method: This is a descriptive qualitative research, in which a field stage was developed during April-June 2012, through semi-structured interviews with eight women in a Basic Health Unit in a southern Brazilian city. Minayo Thematic analysis was developed. Results: Data were organized into two categories: the couple reaches an agreement about when they should have children and the woman is responsible for the contraception. Discussion: the partner's participation takes place through emotional and effective support for the woman to help care for the children and the provision of financial resources. The man participates less in activities of contraception. Conclusion: assistance in family planning needs to include men, support their active participation, and recognize the couple and the family as a unit of care.
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