Aim: To compare the knowledge and behavior of adolescents with risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus after the implementation of two educational strategies. Method: Comparative and intervention study with the participation of 60 students from two public schools divided into two groups: GA (n = 30) and GB (n = 30). GA received individual educational intervention, while GB had group educational intervention. We used questionnaires to assess the level of knowledge prior to intervention, in the day after it, and 60 days after the interventions, when we also assessed the intention of changing habits. Results: There was a statistically significant increase in the level of knowledge as a result of both interventions. By comparing GA and GB after the interventions, we observed that the intention to change habits were similar in both groups. Conclusion: Both educational interventions were effective in raising knowledge and can be used in schools for the prevention of T2DM in at-risk adolescentsReferences
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