Safety of the hospital environment in terms of preventing falls on the part of the elderly: a descriptive study
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Elderly Falls
Intra-Hospital Fall
Intra-Hospital Incident Caída en Ancianos
Caída Intrahospitalaria
Incidente Intrahospitalario Queda em Idosos
Queda Intra-Hospitalar
Incidente Intra-Hospitalar

PlumX Metrics


Aim: To evaluate the safety of the individual and collective physical environment to prevent falls on the part of the hospitalized elderly. Method: This is a descriptive cross-sectional and quantitative study. A total of one hundred and twenty seven (127) beds and their physical structure were evaluated in three units. Data were collected by means of a checklist. For analysis, the SPSS v.20.0 software was used, and descriptive statistics was employed as well as the Fisher's exact test for any association between the variables. Results: safety variables related to the movement of individuals showed a lack of compliance with safety standards (77.7%), and showed no statistical significance with regard to the incidence of falls. The physical structure of the public areas of the hospital were not adapted to facilitate the movement of persons (42.8%) and little consideration had been given to other health facilities (66.6%). Discussion: It is necessary to pay attention to non-conformities in order to decrease the risk of falling. Conclusion: It is necessary to ensure that the hospital environment adheres to technical standards and that the nursing staff pays attention to the environment in order to ensure safety and to prevent falls on the part of the elderly.
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