Stomized patients’ perception of the stomatherapy service: a descriptive study


Aim: To understand the importance of the stomatherapy service through the perception of stomized patients. Method: a descriptive, exploratory study using a qualitative approach, performed in 2011 in the stomatherapy department of a hospital in southern Brazil. Twelve patients with a stoma participated in the study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Results: The service provided is perceived as a place for patients to learn about living with a stoma, to teach them self-care procedures, to have contact with other people with a stoma and to establish relationships of mutual support and exchange experiences. Discussion: The service provides patients with knowledge about the disease and why an ostomy was required, the care measures needed and how to achieve a better quality of life through self-care. Conclusion: The stomatherapy service promotes health, and is part of the social support network for people with ostomies.
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