Technical visit carried out during the formation of nursing students: a descriptive study
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Visita técnica
Serviços de apoio técnico-administrativos
Gerenciamento em Enfermagem
Graduação em Enfermagem
Estabelecimentos Assistenciais de Saúde. Visita técnica
Servicios de apoyo técnico- administrativos
Gestión en Enfermería
Graduación en Enfermería
Establecimientos de Salud. Technical Visits
Technical and Administrative Support Services
Nursing Management
Graduation in Nursing
Health Care Facilities.

PlumX Metrics


Aim:  to  identify,  according  to  the  perception  of  nursing students, whether the technical visits contribute to training and management in nursing. Method: this is  a  descriptive study  whose  data has  been  obtained  in  semi-structured interviews with  eleven  (11)  students  of  the  nursing  undergraduate  course.  After transcribing  the interviews,  we used content  analysis.  Results: The technical visit  is an  effective tool  in the teaching and learning of the nursing administration process. It assists scholars in the perception  of the  relation  between theory  and practice,  provides the development  of  a critical and reflexive view in terms of reality and fosters awareness regarding the relation between management and nursing care/patient care. Conclusion: The technical visit was considered an effective teaching tool to promote an approach to the reality of the labor market by decreasing the distance between theory and practice.
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