Use of information and communication technologies: quantitative study with hospital managers nurses
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Gestão em Saúde
Tecnologia da Informação Enfermería
Gestión Hospitalaria
Tecnología de la Información Nursing
Health Menagement
Information Technology

PlumX Metrics


Objective: to analyze the perception of the usefulness of information and communication technologies in hospital management by nurses. Method: quantitative, cross-sectional and correlational study, with a total of 91 nurse managers from three hospitals. A questionnaire and the Nursing Manager’s Work Perception Scale were used, and the data were subjected to descriptive and analytical analysis. Results: regarding the perception of usefulness of information and communication technologies, managers brought the medical records, the internet, discussion groups, among others, as very useful. Variables such as sex, age, training, time in service and in management are shown to be significant for the use of specific technological tools. Conclusion: the use of information and communication technologies among nurses and hospital managers requires observing the profile, investing in their training and considering the characteristics of the work context.
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