Experiences of Violence Lived by Women of the Federal District: Descriptive Study
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Violência Contra a Mulher
Maus-tratos Conjugais. Violence
Violence against women
Spouse abuse
Sexual partners
Power (Psychology). Violencia
Violencia contra la Mujer
Maltrato Conyugal
Parejas Sexuales
Poder (Psicología).

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Objective: To analyze the occurrence of the phenomenon of physical violence within intimate and affective relationships involving women aged 15 to 49 years living in an economically vulnerable area of the Federal District. Method: Cross-sectional study with simple random sampling and ecological model. We used the chi-square test, significance level (5%), odds ratios (OR) adjusted and confidence interval (95%). Results: 58.6% of women suffered some kind of physical violence throughout life, of which only 5.8% sought health care. Drug use (OR 14:27, CI 1.73 - 117.37) and the increase of behavioral control by the partner (OR 13.39, CI 4.60-38.99) showed the highest odds ratio for physical violence against women. nclusion: The high prevalence of use of force in intimate relationships suggests the need for an investigation of abusive practices of power in intimate-affective relationships of the women attended by a nurse and practitioners of the health team.
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