Understanding functional health literacy in experiences with prostate cancer: older men as consumers of health information
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Prostatic Neoplasms
Health Literacy
Nursing. Prostatic Neoplasms
Health Literacy
Nursing. Prostatic Neoplasms
Health Literacy

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This paper presents part of the findings of a doctoral study aiming to understand the construction of informational strategies for living and dealing with Prostate Cancer related information according to self-reported levels of functional health literacy. A qualitative modeling design framed the inquiry through the constructivist perspective. Older men recreate modes of living and attitudes toward information according to their social and cultural capital, as well as the intensity of their contact with an informational network. Self-reported levels of functional health literacy seem to be harmonious with distinct informational profiles/patterns despite differences in general literacy or formal education. This study implies a new understanding of functional health literacy and its role, the dynamics of social/informational networks, as well as the needs of redesigning communication strategies.
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