Perception of health professionals about violence against women: a descriptive study
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Intrafamily Violence
Health Professionals Salud
Violencia Intrafamiliar
Profesionales de Salud Saúde
Violência Intrafamiliar
Profissionais de Saúde

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Aim:  to  know  the  perception  of  health  professionals  about  violence against women. Method: a descriptive and qualitative study carried out with members of the  Guanambi  Family  Health  Strategy  teams  in  the  state  of  Bahia,  Brazil.  The researchers collected the data through a semi structured interview, systematized it using content  analysis  and  performed  its  analysis  based  on  a  theoretical  reference  on  the subject.  Results:  the  following  three  categories  emerged:  Conceptualizing  violence against  women;  (Lack  of)  knowledge  about  notification  and  reporting;  (Lack  of) knowledge  about  the  law  that  punishes  those  who  commit  violence  against  women. Discussion: the studied professionals present difficulties in understanding concepts, such as reporting and notification, and superficial knowledge about the Maria da Penha Law, which can hinder orientation and referral processes. Conclusion: we observed the need for   permanent   education   with   an   emphasis   to   the   notification,   recognition   and management of violence cases to improve indicators and empower women to cope with them.
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