Life experiences of hiv/aids carriers in terms of the perspectives of the promotion of health
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Health Promotion
Health Education
Group Processes Promoção da saúde
Educação em saúde
Processos Grupais Promoción de la Salud
Educación en Salud
Procesos de Grupo

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Aim: The objective was to learn about the experiences of HIV/AIDS carriers attending a self-help group founded as part of the Health Promotion program. Method: This is a descriptive study of a retrospective character, using qualitative analysis. Data was collected from the records of a self-help group involving HIV-infected patients in an outpatient clinic specializing in infectious diseases in Fortaleza, Brazil, between February and October 2010, and analyzed. Result: The results were categorized into: (1) Knowledge: when there is the incorporation of new concepts of fact or phenomenon; (2) Motivation: when it is linked to personal attributes that modify the desire of the subjects; (3) Adherence: when it involves a collaborative process where involves the subjects’ participation in their treatment decisions and (4) Behavior Change: when it is associated with a positive or negative conditions in their lives. Conclusion: The educational actions developed in the group activities had great importance in the teaching and learning processes for the creation and transformation of the subjects involved.
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