Ageism against elderly people in health services: scoping review protocol


Objectives: To map and characterize scientific productions on ageism against elderly people in health services; to identify expressions of ageism; and to describe measures to prevent and combat ageism against elderly people in health services. Methods: Publications in English, Spanish and Portuguese will be included, without temporal restriction, including primary studies, theses, and dissertations in order to retrieve the largest number of publications. The search strategy will be applied in PUBMED, SCIELO, LILACS, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Ageline, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection, Capes Theses, Cybertesis, DART-E, RCAAP, and B-ON. The selection of titles, abstracts, and full texts will be performed by two reviewers, independently and blinded. The reference list of articles retrieved in full format will be screened for inclusion. Two reviewers will extract data and present them in figures, graphs, and narrative summaries. Differences will be resolved by consensus or participation of a third reviewer.
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