"Ineffective role performance" nursing diagnosis in postpartum women: a descriptive study
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Nursing Diagnosis
Mother-Child Relations
Role Playing
Postpartum Diagnóstico de Enfermería
Relaciones Madre-Hijo
Desempeño de Papel
Depresión Postparto Diagnóstico de Enfermagem
Relações Mãe-Filho
Desempenho de Papéis
Depressão Pós-parto

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Aim: To investigate the "ineffective role performance" nursing diagnosis in postpartum women at family health centers. Method: A descriptive study was carried out in cities in interior Pernambuco, with a sample of 51 postpartum women. The component elements of the diagnostic presented were identified through the Postpartum Depression Screening Scale - PDSS. Results: We identified ineffective role performance in 52.9% of the sample. Anxiety, inadequate self-adaptation, and inappropriate self-control, were the most frequent defining characteristics. Disadvantaged economic status, stress and low levels of education were factors associated with the high percentage. Discussion: the phenomenon is correlated with depressive symptoms in the postpartum period as indicated in PDSS, especially anxiety and irritability, that substantially interfere in the relationship between mother and child. Conclusion: PDSS allowed the determination of a human response in the postpartum period, so it is an important instrument to be introduced in the professional activities associated with the Family Health Strategy program.

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