The work addresses the civil responsibility of the nurse as public agent, since he/she performs a service considered as public, as is the case of health care; independently of his/her condition of work, that is, public or private institution. It explains his/her situation under the understanding of the Law, in his/her relationships to the clients who consume his/her nursing works and the reason why this professional is encompassed as public agent. It shows the possibilities that the client possesses of demanding indemnity when he/she feels damaged by the services to him/her offered. It allows some reflections on his/her way of caring with the aim of prevent possible judicial claims. Concluding that the patient shall be seen as an allied to the nursing actions, that the nurse shall be closer to his/her clientele, establishing a partnership for there be a professional valorization, and he/she must increase his/her knowledge for him/her to work with safety, guaranteeing the basic premise of the profession: to take care.
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