Profile of high-risk pregnant women hospitalized in a maternity hospital: a descriptive study
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Pregnant Women
Maternal Health Services
Nursing Mujeres Embarazadas
Servicios de Salud Materna
Enfermería Gestantes
Serviços de Saúde Materna

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Aim:  to describe  the  profile  of  high-risk  pregnant  women  attending the  HUAP  maternity  hospital.  Method:  descriptive,  retrospective  and  documentary research, with a quantitative approach, performed at a hospital in Niterói/RJ. Data were collected in 2013, through 148 medical records of high-risk pregnant women admitted to the  hospital, from  July  1, 2011 to  June  30,  2012,  and treated  by  descriptive  statistics. Results:  the majority  of  the  pregnant  women were  young  (up  to 30 years  old),  with  a companion  and  resided  in  the  metropolitan  region  II/RJ.  Half  of  them  had  one  or  two living children; 59.5% were multigravida; 79.1% had never aborted; and, among those who  showed  previous  delivery  (n=93),  64.5%  had  submitted  to  cesarean  section. Regarding prenatal care, 93.3% presented attendance to the appointments. Most of the pregnant  women  went  to  the  hospital  through  their  own  choice (42.6%)  as  they presented  symptoms  of  general  practice. Fifty-nine cases  were identified 59 causes  for hospitalization,  with  higher  occurrence  due  to  premature  amniorrexis  and  arterial hypertension.  Conclusion:  the  presented  results  can  trigger  proposals  of  protocols  of attendance and monitoring of this clientele.
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