Aim: systematic review of the literature on the cost-effectiveness of telemedicine in the follow-up of asthmatics. Method: Systematic review of the PUBMED / MEDLINE, LILACS and Cochrane Central databases. Articles published in English, Portuguese or Spanish were considered in the period from 2005 to 2018 according to the PRISMA guidelines. Results: A total of 1363 articles were identified, of which 59 were read in their entirety. Only five met the eligibility criteria, and all were made in European countries and totaled 2,497 participants. The interventions were performed by nurses (4 of 5 studies), remaining from 16 weeks to 12 months. Telemedicine costs were similar or slightly lower compared to usual treatments. Telemedicine had a beneficial effect on asthma control (1 of 5 studies), quality of life (3 out of 5 studies) and hospitalizations (1 of 5 studies). Conclusion: Telemedicine slightly reduces costs with asthma management and may have an impact on morbidity indicators
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