Profile of Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rio de Janeiro: A Web Survey Study


Objective: To identify the profile of tertiary healthcare workers who were working at the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic. Method: This is a quantitative study involving 155 tertiary healthcare professionals who participated in a web survey, and the analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. Results: The group consisted mainly of nurses, social workers, doctors, psychologists, and nutritionists. All identified as heterosexual, cisgender, between the ages of 25 and 49, self-identified as white, Catholic, married or in a stable relationship, with a postgraduate education, a legal professional affiliation, more than one school-age child, and living with three to four people in the same household. Conclusion: The characterized profile may be useful for engaging in studies on workers’ health, occupational risk, paid work, and private activities of health professionals
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