Aim: Interpret how postpartum primipara experience nursing care in a home environment. Method: Qualitative research that used data-based theory methods in the homes of 16 postpartum primipara. The data collection took place from January to July 2011, through the use of semi-structured interviews and observation. The analysis was done using substantive and theoretical coding. Result: It was clear that the central category was “Acting as a mother for the first time”, when the participants experimented with performing the mother’s role. Discussion: Many proceedings performed by the participants with regard to their babies, their self-evaluation as mothers and the aspects related to motherhood were observed. Conclusion: We highlight the importance of the attention the nurses paid to the primipara. It is suggested that topics related to the subjectivity of motherhood should be taught during the undergraduate nursing course, as well as increasing the nurses’ awareness of the change of life experienced by the puerperal motherReferences
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